Katherine+Ryan - Engaged

We met Katherine through our mutual friend, her cousin, Bethany and we are so thankful! These two are SO adorable, and just the way Ryan looks at Katherine really is breath taking. They both made our jobs very easy by showing their beauty and the love they have for each other. Follow our amazing day and how two photographers realized (for the 56846032468762 time) why they love their job so much. Enjoy! 


One of our many photography dream goals was to shoot on top of a helicopter pad. 

On October 20, 2014 we met that goal.... 

Thanks to Bethany and Katherine we were able to cross this off our Photography Bucket List! Prior to this we tired so many times to get on a helicopter pad and every single time it failed. I almost lost hope until Katherine told me she works security at the JW Marriott and she wanted to get a couple of shots on top of the JW Marriott Helicopter Pad. 

Congratulations to the future Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Brundage!! Can't wait to continue showing your story and journey!  
